Love this!! I used to host monthly parties and employed some of these same principles. And yes, friends would always bring friends. There's something magical about welcoming strangers into your home, and I love how it keeps everything spontaneous and fresh.

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Wow I think this is my favorite thing I’ve read from you so far! I read Butterfield’s book this year. There’s a retired couple at my church who do the open invite dinner party every other week. At one point, there were 35 people attending regularly, and three separate tables. It waxes and wanes. Now, I think it’s more like 16.

Although regular dinner parties are tricky for us at this stage of life, I’ve been trying to step into the matriarch’s role by inviting people to tea regularly. Still—there’s nothing like a well-run dinner party. I really enjoyed your examples of discussion questions, and I’m going to share this with family and friends.

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